Helping You Grow As A Financial Advisor

At Anthony George, we understand the importance of having a strong online presence for financial advisors and planners. However, building and maintaining an effective website, utilizing social media and LinkedIn, and creating engaging newsletters can be challenging in the ever-changing digital landscape. That's why we've compiled a list of common mistakes and tips on how to avoid them to help financial advisors and planners succeed in today's market.

One mistake that is often made is not having a clear strategy in place when building a website or creating a newsletter. Instead of diving straight into marketing tactics, it's crucial to take the time to develop a strategy that aligns with your business goals and target audience.

    Another mistake that can occur is not being open-minded when it comes to building social proof. Social proof is essential in today's digital age, but it can be difficult to achieve if you're not willing to explore new ideas and methods. Keeping an open mind can also help you make the most of social media and LinkedIn to expand your reach and connect with your target audience.
    Lastly, not understanding the key factors that influence clients' decision-making process when it comes to recommendations is a common pitfall. It's important to understand these factors and develop strategies to address them in order to generate more recommendations.
    By avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on a well-rounded approach, financial advisors and planners can improve their online presence and better serve their clients. At Anthony George, we strive to provide financial advisors and planners with the resources and guidance they need to succeed in today's market.

    Are you considering a career as a Financial Advisor in 2023? We've got the information you need to make an informed decision.

    We’ve been delighted to appear at both Money Marketing interactive events, in Leeds in May and London in September. Not only did we have a stand at both events but our Co-Founder Lewis was invited to speak at both events on the panel discussion for the ‘Financial Adviser 2B Showcase’.

    The quality of candidates. The ability to manage
    their fee across a period of time. The ongoing
    banter from Lewis

    AshleyManging Director